Society for Free Radical Research International

Invited Speakers

The following renowned experts are among those that will present at SFRRI 2012.

Satellite Meetings - Wednesday, 5 September 2012
HNE Club Satellite Meeting:

Co-Chairs: Dr Corinne Spickett, Aston University, UK and Prof. Peter Eckl, (HNE Club Chairman) University of Salzburg, Austria

Session 1:
Co –chairs: Prof. Kelvin Davies, University of Southern California, USA and Prof. Tilman Grune, University of Jena, Germany
Invited Speaker: Harry Ischiropoulos, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Session 2:
Co-chairs: Prof. Henry Forman, University of Southern California, USA and Prof. Giuseppe Poli, University of Torino, Italy
Invited Speaker: Dennis Petersen, University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, USA

Session 3:
Co-chairs: Prof. Koji Uchida, Nagoya Univesity, Japan and Prof. Neven Zarkovic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia
Invited Speaker: Henry Forman, University of California, Merced, USA and Shlomo Sasson, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Session 4:
Co-chairs: Prof. Peter Eckl, (HNE Club Chairman), University of Salzberg, Austria
Invited Speaker: TBC

Genetics and Epigenetics of Frailty and Ageing Satellite Meeting
Co-Chairs: Prof. Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas, Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Madrid, Spain and Prof. Howard Bergman, McGill University, Quebec, Canada

Invited Speakers:
Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas, Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Madrid, Spain
Howard Bergman, McGill University, Quebec, Canada
Prof. Anne McArdle, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Prof. Jeremy D. Walston, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

EU COST CM1001 ACTION Satellite Meeting

Co-Chairs: Prof. Tilman Grune, University of Jena, Germany and Prof. Caroline Baron, Technical University of Denmark

Invited Speakers:
Rafael Radi, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Valerie Vanhooren, University of Ghent, Belgium
Adelina Rogowska-Wrzesinska, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Pedro Domingues, Universidade de Aveiro Santiago, Portugal
Caroline Baron, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
SFRRI Main Meeting - Keynote Speaker - Thursday, 6 September - Sunday, 9 September 2012
SFRRI Trevor Slater Award Lecture
Prof. Lester Packer, University of Southern California, USA

SFRR Europe Award Lecture
Prof. Kelvin J A Davies, University of Southern California, USA

IUBMB Jubilee Lecture
Prof. Dame Linda Partridge, FRS, University College London, UK and Max Planck Institut, Germany

Informa Award Lecture
Prof. Kathy Griendling, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA

Catherine Pasquier Award Lecture
Dr Aphrodite Vasilaki
Dr Gaetano Serviddio
Prof Nesrin Kartal-Ozer, President Elect SFRR Europe and Marmara University, Turkey
SFRRI Main Meeting - Thursday, 6 September - Sunday, 9 September 2012 - Symposium Speakers
Symposium 1:
Co-Chairs: Dr Michael Murphy, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, UK and
Prof. Victor Darley-Usmar, University of Alabama, USA

Invited Speakers:
Scott Ballinger, University of Alabama, USA
Sruti Shiva, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Enrique Cadenas, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Juan P Bolaños, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Symposium 2:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Cesar Fraga, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Prof. Helmut Sies, Düsseldorf, Germany

Invited Speakers:
Young-Joon Surh, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Patricia Oteiza, University of California, Davis, USA
Franciso Villarreal, UCSD School of Medicine, USA
Jeremy Spencer, University of Reading, UK

Symposium 3:
Co-Chairs: Dr Sruti Shiva, University of Pittsburgh, USA and Dr Juan P Bolaños, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Invited Speakers:
Michael Murphy, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, UK
Victor Darley-Usmar, University of Alabama, USA
Paul Brookes, University of Rochester Medical Centre, USA
Gary Glick, University of Michigan, USA

Symposium 4:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Giuseppe Poli, University of Torino, Italy and Prof Juan Sastre, University of Valencia, Spain

Invited Speakers:
Brigitte Winklhofer-Roob, Karl, Franzens Universität, Austria
Giuseppe Murdolo, University of Perugia, Italy
Mark Kearney, University of Leeds, UK
Wataru Aoi, Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan

Symposium 5:
Co-Chairs: Dr Paul Cooper, University of Birmingham, UK and Dr Shida Yousefi, University of Bern, Switzerland

Invited Speakers:
Arturo Zychlinsky, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Germany
Shida Yousefi, University of Bern, Switzerland
Paul Kubes, University of Calgary, USA
Dagmar Scheel-Toellner, University of Birmingham, UK

Symposium 6:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Michael Ristow, University of Jena, Germany and Prof. Toren Finkel, USA

Invited Speakers:
Christian Gluud, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
David Gems, University College London, UK
Michael Ristow, University of Jena, Germany
Toren Finkel, USA

Symposium 7:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Christine Winterbourn, University of Otago, New Zealand and
Prof. Junji Yodoi, Kyoto University, Japan

Invited Speakers:
Leopold Flohé, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Sue Goo Rhee, Ewha Woman’s University, Republic of Korea
Michel Toledano, Institute de Biologie et de Technologie de Saclay, France
Hirosi Masutani, Kyoto University, Japan

Symposium 8:
Co-Chairs: Dr Richard Siow, King’s College London, UK and Prof. Henrik Poulsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Invited Speakers:
Henrik Poulsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Paul Holvoet, University of Leuven, Belgium
Sashwati Roy, Ohio State University, USA
Manuel Mayr, King’s College London, UK

Symposium 9:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Regina Brigelius-Flohé, German Institute of Human Nutrition, Germany and Dr Holger Steinbrenner, University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Invited Speakers:
Margaret Rayman, University of Surrey, UK
Xingen Lei, Cornell University, USA
Holger Steinbrenner, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Vadim Gladyshev, Boston, USA

Symposium 10:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Thomas Michel, Harvard Medical Hospital, USA and Prof. Ajay Shah, King’s College London, UK

Invited Speakers:
Thomas Michel, Harvard Medical Hospital, USA
Philip Eaton, St Thomas’ Hospital London, UK
Chris Ward, University of Maryland, USA
Ajay Shah, King’s College London, UK

Symposium 11:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Kelvin J Davies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA and Prof. Michael Davies, The Heart Research Institute, Australia

Invited Speakers:
Michael Davies, The Heart Research Institute, Australia
Tilman Grune, University of Jena, Germany
Bertrand Friguet, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Deborah Ferrington, University of Minnesota, USA

Symposium 12:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Wolfgang Maret, King’s College London, UK and Prof. Christer Hogstrand, King’s College London, UK

Invited Speakers:
Elias Aizenhman, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Javier N Garzon, Instituto Cajal, Spain
James M Samet, University of North Caroline, USA - TBC
Wolfgang Maret, King’s College London, UK

Symposium 13:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Malcolm Jackson, University of Liverpool, UK and Michael Reid, University of Kentucky, USA

Invited Speakers:
Hakan Westerblad, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Jose Vińa, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Michael Reid, University of Kentucky, USA
Eddie Weitzberg, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Symposium 14:
Co-Chairs: Dr Catarina Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Dr Guy C. Brown, University of Cambridge, UK

Invited Speakers:
Guy Brown, University of Cambridge, UK
João Laranjinha, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Stuart Lipton, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, USA
Allan Butterfield, University of Kentucky, USA

Symposium 15:
Co-Chairs: Dr Jianhua Zhang, University of Alabama, USA and Dr Bradford Hill, University of Louisville, USA

Invited Speakers:
Jianhua Zhang, University of Alabama, USA
Bradford Hill, University of Louisville, USA
Tetsuro Ishii, University of Tsukuba, Japan
David Rubinsztein, University of Cambridge, UK

Symposium 16:
Co-Chairs: Prof. Federico V Pallardó, Universidad de Valencia, Spain and Prof. Brian Day, USA

Invited Speakers:
Federico V Pallardó, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Brian Day, USA
Christine Foyer, University of Leeds, UK
Alain Puppo, Université Nice, France
Terrance J Kavanagh, University of Washington Seattle, USA
Platinum Sponsor
Organiser - Elsevier Supporting Society - SFRR Supporting Society - Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Asia Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Japan Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Australasia Supporting Society - The Biochemical Society Supporting Society - Oxygen Club of California Media Partners : enago