Henry Jay Forman, Ph.D. is Founding Faculty and Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry at the University of California, Merced and Adjunct Professor of Gerontology at the University of Southern California. After obtaining his Ph.D. from Columbia University and a post-doctoral fellowship at Duke University, he held faculty positions in biochemistry, physiology, pathology, pediatrics, molecular pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Pennsylvania, USC, and University of Alabama at Birmingham. At UAB, he was Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences. Dr. Forman is the Governor’s appointed scientist on the Governing Board of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District.
Dr. Forman’s expertise is in the areas of oxidative stress and signal transduction and has published over 200 manuscripts. In his more than forty years of research in free radical biology and chemistry, Dr. Forman has done pioneering work in several areas. He was a co-discover of mitochondrial superoxide production, first demonstrated that rats adapting to hyperoxia induced mitochondrial superoxide dismutase in lung alveolar epithelial cells, and first demonstrated that endogenous hydrogen peroxide production by macrophages activated NF-kB. He continues to make key observation of the role of oxidants and other electrophiles in cell signaling. For over 30 years, his work has largely focused on the role of oxidants in both damage and signaling in the lung. But, he has also participated in numerous investigations of oxidative stress and redox signling in species ranging from anemones to white shrimp, elephant seals and humans.
Dr. Forman is currently the Associate Editor for Reviews for Free Radical Biology & Medicine and President-Elect of the Society for Free Radical Biology & Medicine. He is Past Treasurer of the Society for Free Radical Research International. Dr. Forman is a dedicated teacher. He has mentored 13 Ph.D. awardees and a large number of postdoctoral, and M.D. fellows.
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