The Society for Free Radical Research was founded in 1982 with the inaugural meeting held at The Royal Institution (RI) organised by Prof Trevor Slater and colleagues. The 16th SFRRI meeting commemorated the 30th anniversary of the society with a lecture from Prof Giuseppe Poli (University of Turin) on “Lipid Peroxidation in Disease Processes”. Click here to see more -
The SFRRI anniversary event also included a brief talk to mark 2012 as the "100th Year of Vitamins" by Dr Manfred Eggersdorfer, Senior Vice President of DSM Nutrition. Part of this talk can be found at:
To view maps and for further information about the Royal Institution, please click here.
Images of the RI at 21 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BS (5 min walk to Green Park underground).
We are grateful for generous sponsorship from: DSM, Jarrow Formulas Inc., SFRRI and Smith & Nephew