Society for Free Radical Research International

Symposium Speaker

Michael Ristow

Michael RistowEducation and Appointments

1986 – 1992 University of Bochum Medical School, Germany
1992 – 1997 Residencies Internal Medicine, Universities of Bochum and Cologne, Germany
1997 – 2000 Research Fellow, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, USA
2001-2005 Senior Scientist and Assistant Professor (2002) at the German Institute of Human Nutrition, Potsdam, Germany
2005-present Professor of Nutrition at the University of Jena, Germany

Professional Organisations: SFRR, EASD, DDG, DAG, DGE, DGEM, others

Honours and Awards: 1985 Winner National Science Contest Jugend Forscht, 1986-1992 Fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, 1998 Hochhaus Award, 2003 Heinrich Sauer Award, 2004 Ferdinand Bertram Award, 2008 State of Thuringia Best Scientist Award, others.

Five Selected Publications:

Zarse K, Schmeisser S, Groth M, Priebe S, Beuster G, Kuhlow D, Guthke R, Platzer M, Kahn CR, Ristow M: Impaired insulin-/IGF1-signaling extends life span by promoting mitochondrial proline catabolism to induce a transient ROS signal. Cell Metabolism, in press, 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.02.013 (2012).

Ristow M, Schmeisser S: Extending lifespan by increasing oxidative stress. Free Radical Biol Med, 51, 327-336 (2011).

Ristow M, Zarse K: How increased oxidative stress promotes longevity and metabolic health: The concept of mitochondrial hormesis (mitohormesis). Exp Gerontology, 45, 410-418 (2010).

Ristow M; Zarse K, Oberbach A, Kiehntopf M, Birringer M, Stumvoll M, Kahn CR, Blüher M: Antioxidants prevent anti-diabetic and health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106: 8665-70 (2009).

Schulz TJ, Voigt A, Zarse K, Birringer M, Ristow M: Glucose restriction extends Caenorhabditis elegans life span by inducing mitochondrial metabolism and increasing oxidative stress, Cell Metabolism, 6: 280-293 (2007).

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