Society for Free Radical Research International

EU COST CM1001 ACTION Satellite Meeting Invited Speaker

Dr. Adelina Rogowska-Wrzesinska

Dr. Adelina Rogowska-WrzesinskaProject Coordinator at Protein Research Group at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Southern Denmark.

Studied Microbiology at the University of Wroclaw, Poland; obtained her PhD in Molecular Biology and Proteomics followed by post-doc position and project coordinator position at the University of Southern Denmark.

Is a workgroup leader in the on ongoing European COST Action CM1001 on Chemistry of non-enzymatic protein modification. Participates in a number of national and international networks: Centre for Bioactive Food Components and Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases (MITOHEALTH), Nordic Centre of Excellence Programme on Food, Nutrition and Health; FP7 Marie-Curie Action: Robust affinity materials for applications in proteomics and diagnostics (PEPMIP); New medicines without side effects – Mode of Action by Chemical Proteomics, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.

The major lines of research are 1) application of mass spectrometry to analysis of protein modifications especially protein oxidations; 2) development of analytical methods for sensitive identification and quantification of carbonylated proteins; 3) molecular biology of ageing and age related diseases, metabolism of mitochondria.

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Organiser - Elsevier Supporting Society - SFRR Supporting Society - Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Asia Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Japan Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Australasia Supporting Society - The Biochemical Society Supporting Society - Oxygen Club of California Media Partners : enago