Society for Free Radical Research International

SFRRI 2012 London Delegates

Argentina 6   Ghana 1   Norway 3
Australia 19   Greece 5   Poland 4
Austria 8   Hong Kong 1   Portugal 22
Belgium 13   Hungary 1   Romania 3
Brazil 27   India 7   Serbia 4
Bulgaria 1   Israel 8   Slovakia 6
Canada 5   Italy 39   South Africa 1
Chile 2   Japan 63   Spain 31
China 7   Kazakhstan 2   Sweden 13
Croatia 5   Republic Korea 15   Switzerland 4
Czech Republic 2   Malaysia 3   Taiwan 3
Denmark 3   Mexico 2   Turkey 5
Finland 1   Netherlands 11   UK 97
France 24   New Zealand 7   USA 56
Germany 33   Nigeria 2   Uruguay 3

Platinum Sponsor
Organiser - Elsevier Supporting Society - SFRR Supporting Society - Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Asia Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Japan Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Australasia Supporting Society - The Biochemical Society Supporting Society - Oxygen Club of California Media Partners : enago