Society for Free Radical Research International

International Scientific Programme Committee

Daniela Caporossi

Daniela CaporossiDaniela Caporossi  is  Professor of  Biology and Genetics in the Department of Health Science, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, and Chair of the Integrated Laboratory of Biology and Biochemistry of  Human Movement. She is a member of the SFRR-Europe Committee and of the ECSS (European College of Sport Science) Committee. He is an Associate Editor for European Journal of Sport Sciences.

She graduated from “La Sapienza” University in Rome, followed by post-doc position in Rome and Hamilton (Canada), faculty position in Rome, and professorship at the “Tor Vergata” University and, lastly, at the  “Foro Italico” University, in Rome, where she established a new research  group working  on the cellular and molecular basis of health-related physical activity.

Her research interests are on the role of altered redox potential in the in vivo and in vitro induction of DNA damage and apoptosis, and on the involvement of free radicals in the signal transduction pathways of skeletal muscle cells. Recently we focus on physical activity-related changes on the expression of stress response proteins, pointing to the role of redox state in modulating  the post-transcriptional regulation processes. Model systems of immune, skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are employed to investigate processes of  alternative splicing and microRNA expression correlated to the oxidation of cellular components.

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Platinum Sponsor
Organiser - Elsevier Supporting Society - SFRR Supporting Society - Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Asia Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Japan Supporting Society - The Society for Free Radical Research-Australasia Supporting Society - The Biochemical Society Supporting Society - Oxygen Club of California Media Partners : enago